發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-08-01 初見剝皮寮~上 (7) (2)
2010-08-01 馬內到畢卡索-費城美術館經典展 (35) (2)
2010-07-26 表演工作坊-快樂不用學 (36) (3)
2010-07-18 蔡康永的說話之道 (13) (1)
2010-07-13 玩具總動員3 (Toy Story 3) (123) (3)
2010-07-12 巧遇蕭敬騰簽唱會~~ (9) (1)
2010-06-30 推理小說-少年島崎不思議事件簿 (34) (1)
2010-06-29 轉載笑話 .... 老來離婚......... (4) (2)
2010-06-27 2010世足賽主題曲 (2) (0)
2010-06-23 相聲瓦舍-又一村 (303) (0)
2010-06-17 慾望城市2 (Sex and the City 2) (120) (3)
2010-06-13 20100531福隆沙雕展-下 (11) (1)
2010-06-13 20100531福隆沙雕展-上 (2) (1)
2010-06-04 密碼文章 20100529珊珊的大喜之日~ (0) (3)
2010-06-01 20100421羅東綠色博覽會-下 (0) (0)
2010-06-01 20100421羅東綠色博覽會-上 (15) (0)
2010-05-26 20100312陽明山花季 (6) (3)
2010-05-22 20100222-安曼最後的晚餐 (23) (1)
2010-05-22 20100222約旦-捷拉希(Jerash)-下+安曼市區 (25) (1)
2010-05-20 20100222約旦-捷拉希(Jerash)-上 (26) (0)
2010-05-17 20100222耶穌受洗地(Jesus was baptized in)/約旦河洗禮地(Yardenit) (517) (2)
2010-05-14 20100222他泊山(Mt. Tabor)-耶穌登山變像大教堂(The Cathedral of the Transfiguration) (1113) (1)
2010-05-12 20100222-集體農場-奇布茲(Kibbutz) (917) (5)
2010-05-11 20100221-加利利海(The Sea of Galilee)-下+安息日(Seventh-day Adventists) (65) (1)
2010-05-09 20100221Yigal Allon博物院+加利利海(The Sea of Galilee)-上 (84) (1)
2010-05-06 20100221-迦百農(Capernaum)+五餅二魚教堂 (235) (1)
2010-05-05 20100221-午餐聖彼得魚(Tilapia)+庫爾西(Kursi)+迦百農(Capernaum) (1208) (1)
2010-05-03 20100221戈蘭高地(Golan Heights)-該撒利亞腓立比(Caesarea Philippi) (124) (1)
2010-05-03 20100221米吉多公園 (Tel Megiddo National Park)+八福山(Mt. Beatitudes) (140) (1)
2010-05-02 20100220拿撒勒(Nazareth)-報喜堂(Church of Annunciation) (100) (1)
2010-05-02 20100220-迦拿的婚禮 (112) (1)
2010-04-29 20100220雅法-古輸水道+巴海教派花園(Baha'i Garden) (70) (8)
2010-04-28 20100220雅法-聖彼得教堂(St. Peter's Church)+該撒利亞(Caesarea National Park) (149) (1)
2010-04-28 20100220特拉維夫-雅法(Jaffa) (174) (0)
2010-04-27 20100219特拉維夫逛街 (103) (1)
2010-04-26 20100219耶路撒冷-以色列博物館(The Israel Museum)+以馬忤斯 (178) (2)
2010-04-26 20100219-以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館 (Yad Vashem) (130) (2)
2010-04-26 20100219-伯利恆牧羊人野地紀念教堂(Shepherd's Field Church)+隱卡琳(En Kerem) (682) (2)
2010-04-20 20100219耶路撒冷-抹大拉的馬利亞教堂+拉結墓(Rachael's Tomb) (711) (2)
2010-04-20 20100219耶路撒冷-耶穌升天小堂(Chapel of the Ascension)+主哭耶京堂(Dominus Flevit) (162) (0)
2010-04-14 20100218耶路撒冷-花園墓(The Garden Tomb)+逛街-下 (56) (1)
2010-04-14 20100218耶路撒冷-花園墓(The Garden Tomb)-上 (32) (0)
2010-04-11 20100218耶路撒冷-苦路+聖墓教堂後記 (21) (3)
2010-04-10 20100218耶路撒冷-苦路(The way of sorrows)+聖墓教堂(Church of the Holy Sepulcher)-下 (165) (0)
2010-04-10 20100218耶路撒冷-獅子門(Lion Gate)+聖安娜教堂(Church of St. Anne)+苦路(The way of sorrows)-上 (680) (1)
2010-04-10 20100218耶路撒冷-聖殿山(Temple Mount) (56) (0)
2010-04-07 20100218耶路撒冷-雞鳴堂(Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu) (84) (1)
2010-04-07 20100218耶路撒冷-馬可樓(Cenacle, Upper Room)+大衛王墓地 (King David’s Tomb) (231) (0)
2010-04-06 20100218耶路撒冷-大衛森中心 (Davidson Center) (89) (1)
2010-03-31 20100217伯利恆-主誕堂(Church of Nativity) (154) (1)